During the months of the pandemic, Red Cross volunteers were able to rely on the widespread network of Mobility Stores. As FCA Bank (now CA Auto Bank) we supported volunteers, engaged throughout Italy through 700 local committees, in the daily actions of delivering groceries and medicines to the needy.

“Thanks to the generous donation from FCA Bank (now CA Auto Bank),” said Italian Red Cross President Francesco Rocca, “we have been able to strengthen services and be even closer to all those people who need more support at this time. The elderly, immune-compromised people and all those who cannot even leave their homes to do their shopping need someone who can move for them. That’s why there are Red Cross volunteers. That’s why there is an Italy that helps”.
“FCA Bank (now CA Auto Bank) is proud to have contributed to the initiatives of the Italian Red Cross and all its volunteers, trying to support those in need of assistance, to face and overcome this emergency together as soon as possible,” commented CEO and General Manager Giacomo Carelli.
FCA Bank (now CA Auto Bank) also supported the Italian Red Cross by participating in crowdfunding promoted by Crédit Agricole Italia. The fundraising activity, carried out through the CrowdForLife portal (available at, supports the Red Cross initiative called “The Time of Kindness.” One million euros to ensure concrete help against the Coronavirus emergency and to guarantee at the same time psychological, health and social assistance to all people that find themselves in a difficult situation. Thanks to these funds, Italian Red Cross has set up a field hospital with all the necessary equipment, as well as purchased ambulances and special vehicles for safe emergency transport .